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The term "Tuina" consists of two Chinese characters: "Tui" meaning to push and "Na" meaning to grasp.


Together, they describe the basic techniques used in this form of bodywork, which include pressing, kneading, rolling, stretching, vibrating, and adjusting ......


What is TCM Tuina Therapy?

    Tuina is a non-surgical treatment and is a therapeutic technique that is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It involves the manipulation and stimulation of various acupoints, meridians, and soft tissues of the body to promote healing and restore balance.

     Tuina operates on the principles of TCM, which views the body as an interconnected system of energy pathways called meridians. It is believed that the smooth flow of vital energy (Qi) through these meridians is essential for good health, and any disruption or blockage can lead to illness or discomfort. By manipulating the acupoints and meridians, Medical Tuina aims to restore the harmonious flow of Qi and facilitate the body's natural healing process.



  • Improves the body’s blood circulation.

  • Pain relief

  • Open Acupuncture meridians to improve and regulate the functions of the viscera.

  • Release, nourish, and strengthen muscles, tendons, fascia, and joints.

  • Enhance energy & vitality

  • Enhance digestive health

  • Rehabilitate & Injury Recovery

TuiNa with Yulissa

TuiNa Treatment Formulation

Step 1: Energy intake - Scan the whole body's meridians, and find the unbalanced location.

Step 2: Opening the meridian of the legs - allow the negative  Qi can detox out from the feet.

Step 3: Follow the body's calling, front and back, toes to head, reconnect the blockage of the meridian, unwinding the emotional and physical traumas.

Step 4: Vibrating the whole body, open and connect Ren channel and Du channel to improve organ function, and balance Yin and Yang.

Step 5: Give homework

Yulissa always says:
    She is not the one to heal your body, she is only supporting your own self-healing system to heal the body. she more like a bridge connecting your body and your mind because she has the gift to communicate with your body, and find the real reason for the unbalance.
Yulissa's TuiNa sessions everytime is different, can be really intense physical session, or really
 comfortable gentle energy session, or half intense half gentle ... all depends on how to match your body's needs at the moment. 

Fee: $5 per minute 


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TODAY, Tuina is widely practiced both in China and around the world. It is valued for its effectiveness in treating a wide range of health conditions, its non-invasive nature, and its focus on promoting holistic well-being. Tuina practitioners undergo rigorous training, studying TCM theory, anatomy, physiology, and specialized Tuina techniques.

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